Natural Face Whitening Tips

 The fact is that this can be made possible with a little dedication and the right research. There are several homemade skin whitening products that can help you become fairer.
With Orange Pack
· Collect the orange peels and dry them in the sunlight.
· Let them be there till they get fully dried.
· Now grind them and make a fine powder.
· When you have to apply it, add some raw milk to this powder and make a fine paste.
· Wait for it to get completely dried on the face.
· Then rinse it off after a few minutes using lukewarm water.
· It can be applied daily also.
Sandal facial Skin Bleach
The ingredients are as follows:
· Sandalwood powder
· Lemon juice
· Cucumber juice
· Tomato juice
Mix these properly and make a fine paste. Apply it on the skin. Then wait for it to get fully dried. It helps you have bright and light colored skin with a an even texture & complexion.

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