9 Beauty Uses Of Mayonnaise

More than 250 years have passed since a resourceful French chef created a mayonnaise sauce from the simplest products. The popularity of mayonnaise becomes greater over the years. Nutritionists talk about the dangers of mayonnaise, and cosmetologists, in turn, are increasingly reporting the benefits of using this white sauce to care for the body and hair at home.
Mayonnaise is a cold sauce that is prepared by grinding egg yolks with some vegetable oil and flavored with lemon juice or vinegar, salt, sugar and other various flavoring seasonings. Many ladies who take care of their figure exclude mayonnaise from their diet.
However, not many women know that this sauce can be used to make their skin and hair beautiful and healthy. Sounds interesting, doesn't it? Well, if we cannot use it in our diets , let's use it as a skin care product:
#1. It is the best skin hydrator. It can make the driest skin moisturized. Just apply it to your skin and leave on for ten minutes.
#2. It can improve dry, dull and frizzy hair. It also stimulates hair growth. Apply it to your hair and you will see the difference.
#3. Calms skin inflammation. It can reduce skin inflammation and redness.
#4. Elbow and knee softener. Use it to make the skin on your elbows and knees moisturized.
#5. Removes dead cells. Just apply it to your skin for fifteen minutes and you will see how your skin becomes smooth and soften.
#6. Strengthens your nails. Massage mayonnaise onto your nails and make them stronger and healthier.
#7. Head lice treatment. Yes, it can even deal with this unpleasant problem.

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