5 things lecturers strongly dislike about students

5 things lecturers strongly dislike about students
Nigerian lecturers don't take nonsense.

Nigerian lecturers don't take nonsense (Information)
There are times lecturers angrily walked out of the classroom because of one student's behaviour.
Sometimes when this happens, students complained about the lecturer getting angry and abandoning his job. But we all know our Nigerian lecturers don't take nonsense.

Lecturers are human, they can get angry about certain things when they see one. Some students attitude in the lecture room could make a lecturer have a bad day and this could spell failure for the students if the lecturer is an unforgiving type.

Overcrowded lecture room
Overcrowded lecture room (ScoopNg)
So, as students, you need to know what a certain lecturer accepts in his lecture room but generally, Nigerian lecturers in Universities and Polytechnics don't like students to do these five things in their class.

Asking question to outshine the lecturer:
Lecturers encourage students to ask questions as many as possible. This surely helps the lecturer to bond with the students and mark the brilliant ones.

However, when a student begins to ask endless questions to show he knows more than the lecturer, the Nigerian in the lecturer might be evoked and the student would find himself in soup.

Deceiving the lecturer you know all he says:
When a lecturer stands in front of the classroom teaching, he at the same time looks out for feedbacks. He looks for students who nod their head to show they understand all he's been saying.

The lecturer may, however, get mad at head nodders if he asks a question about the topic of discussion and they can't provide an answer.

Yawning to tell the lecturer you are tired
Yawning to tell a lecturer you are tired of his lecture is one of the academic sins lecturers don't take lightly. It literally means the yawning student says the lecturer is boring and his time is up.

Lecturers hate to have this kind of feedback from students because it makes them their presence in the lecture room is not felt.

Receiving calls in the lecture room
This is the height of disrespect in Nigerian higher institutions. This is why some lectures usually forewarn students to switch off their phones before the lecture starts to avoid distractions in the lecture room.

Pack your things before the class ends
Students are always in a hurry to leave the lecture room when the lecturer is rounding off his lecture. This usually piss off some lecturers who consider the habit of leaving the classroom an act of disrespect.

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